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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

NEC Unified leads the SMB telephony market for 2007

NEC Unified has been named 2007 overall telephony leader beating Cisco, Avaya, Mitel and Nortel. The Univerge360 is supposedly a Unified telephony product for the SMB market. I guess calling any telephony product a unified communication product is becoming a market fashion. The technology is glorified PBX at best. NEC is a very big company with a lot of legacy and technology that is very old and based on old-school telephony. Unified communication is an interesting idea that has many applications and if done and delievered properly, can have a huge impact on business. From what I see, not many good Unified Communication solutions have been developed yet. Everybody tries that same old trick of taking a telephony product, somehow patching it to understant SIP and then call it a Unified Communication product.
A true unified communication product would have native understanding of multiple channels of communicaition and they truely need to have multiple channels of communications. The well known communication modules are telephony, IM, email and Video. Some players try to applying gateways to present a unified approach.
Pentatonic Networks is working on introducing a very interesting catagory of products addressing some great applications within the Unified Communication space. Businesses will truely see the benefits from Pentatonic Networks offering.

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